Saturday, 20 November 2010

autumn clothing

It's so nice to be able to get out the autumn clothing Bernard was given this summer.

Can I take the hat off now?

Hand knitted cotton cardigan

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Wednesday, 3 November 2010


This is the quiche I based mine on, though I did more than merely adjust things...  I wrote the ingredients on a piece of paper, then realised I only had half quantities of flour... used onions instead of leeks and reserved a quarter for Bernard with ham and cheese ... realised I didn't have a rolling pin and pressed out the pastry by hand... doubled the eggs, halved the cream... ok I pretty much ignored the recipe but it worked out delicious.  The mushrooms are a very delicate kind a bit like shiitake in shape.  And the quiche is very thin rather like the Tarte Flambee we had in Strasbourg one time.   I used every pan in the house but it was worth it.  And I look forward to seeing if Bernard will croon, "Pie!" over it as he did the other day in JOMA cafe when he enthusiastically ate bits of pumpkin pie and quiche in alternating mouthfuls.

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

growth spurt

At the moment it seems (touch wood) that Bernard is opting to include food as part of his lifestyle.  He is eating a lot.  This morning he consumed half a bagel, then at lunch a plate of pasta, a bowl of baked beans, a banana and a slice of cake.  For dinner he had a large bowlful of peas and more bagel with cheese and tomatoes.   Yesterday I watched him eat most of a 3,000 dong serving of sticky rice.  Most adults can only manage 4,000 for breakfast.  I'd intended it for two meals but he just kept on eating, making happy xoi noises and stuffing it in.  Last week he consumed 3 bananas in a day.  The day before yesterday I had to limit his tangerine consumption to five per meal.  But shhhh, as it may well not last.

Bernard, sitting in his high chair:  "Poopoo."
I check his nappy.  Nothing in there.
Bernard, again: "Poopoo."
We try giving him everything on the table: jam, juice, milk.  Nope.
Again: "Poopoo."
Bib off?  We take it off but he still points at the table.  "Poopoo."
Oh.  Finally I get it.  "Peepo!"   I lift the chosen title from a pile of books right at the end of the table.

I'm off to attempt quiche. Wish me luck.