Friday 16 April 2010

chocolate buffet

A cold snap suddenly!  What a  bizarre climate:  every day you have to go outside to check the weather before getting dressed.  Yesterday I was totally freezing because it was about ten degrees warmer inside than out, as the temperature had plummeted in the night.

Lisa and Kate tower over the hot chocolate station (photo from Kate)

Today we went to the Chocolate Buffet at the Sofitel Metropole in Hanoi, to celebrate Kate's birthday.  We ordered the High Tea, which for a few extra bob includes miniature sandwiches and a mug of tea.  Wow, what a feast.  I was invited one time but chickened out at the last minute because I thought it would be too sickly.  But as a feeding mum, rich foods are less intimidating.  I got the Chocolate Bombe, Chocolate mousse, freshly made hot chocolate, chocolate ice cream and a pile of fresh fruit.  Delicious. 

Bernard teethed on a hard-baked chocolate biscuit which he appeared to really enjoy, and then ate rice porridge and flirted with my colleagues.  After that he hid under the table and played with his transportation puzzle.  Everyone was really impressed with how good Bernard is.  You can still (touch wood) take him places, and he appears to enjoy himself.  My colleague Lisa who teaches Pre-K was great with him, putting a cupcake holder in her mouth which he found very entertaining and wanted to do again and again.

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