Tuesday, 29 September 2009


OK, enough of the qualitative stuff.  Sometimes you want the figures.  So, on Bernard's 3-month birthday, I measured him.

Length:  65cm (sorry about exaggerating before) 98th %ile
Weight: 7.5kg - 95th %ile

length of foot 98mm
head circ - hard to measure

i put foot lentgth on because it's likely 2 get  a lot bigger soon judging by older babies who are his size.  Their feet are usually much bigger than b's.

hair: monk's tonsure style, i.e. thick around the lower parts and thin and pale on top.
eyes:  blue around the outside with tawny flecks in the middle.
favourite toy: bracelet giraffe
favourite game: having his legs wiggled by daddy

B now giggles uproariously when raspberries are blown on his tummy.  Still can't roll off his front but it won't be long...

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