Friday, 30 October 2009


my school life will be so much better now i have a good place to express.  mindy is back now and the proud mother of Aubrey (a girl).  she put in a work order while on maternity leave and her room is totally peek-free.  it's great because:

1. expressing in the loos is yucky
2. we can chat about mum stuff
3. having another person there is relaxing and therefore i get faster milk, and, under a time restraint, therefore more milk

yesterday i was so relaxed that i forglot to screw the bottle on, and got milk all over my trousers!

baby is sleeping better recently.  he is back to his twice-a-night feeding:  much better, though i still wake with a sense of outrage that it's already morning.

the novel:  9,110 wierds.  i mean words.

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