Sunday, 18 April 2010

pumpkin features

today has been one long food fight.  it is only 3.33 and i am exhausted.  how do stayathome mums do it???  bernard has persistently refused food all day.  not even finger food will tempt him to take more than a bite.  after a failed attempt at feeding him some (to me) delicious pumpkin, i swore to give up.  but at 3 o'clock he was showing so much interest in my empty ice-cream bowl that i was sure he was hungry.  but when i tried to feed him fresh stewed apple porridge (with/without musical accompaniment) he refused straight off the cuff; i gave him the spoon to dip in the porridge, he brought it to his lips; he immediately turned his head away, cried and threw the spoon on the floor.  was it too hot?  too cold? it certainly was not yucky.  finger foods are no good as he only takes one bite or less before deciding it's more fun as a throwing toy.  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh
please forgive my unhealthy obsession with food at the moment.  it will pass, i am sure of it.

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