Sunday, 29 August 2010

at last a new post

Our friends and former housmates Tui and Khanh just got married. Tui's mum was there and his uncle Joe, as well as a lot of my former colleagues. A really special occasion and we were so glad that by chance Nicholas met them in the street and they invited us to the wedding. We've known them since they were first going out, and through many ups and downs.

We went to play at a different "baby parade" from usual: the one every evening by the statue of Ly Thai To. It's quite an extreme social occasion for children and prepares them for negotiating the chaos of Hanoi traffic! Can you spot Bernard?

At an Office Rice restaurant (one step up from People's Rice) in the centre of town. It was surprisingly nicely appointed once you got inside, and the food was to B's satisfaction.

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