Saturday, 5 February 2011


Bernard got very good value from his free brunch at the Melia today! He started with the kids' section, i.e chips and pasta, then branched out into a little paella, then consumed a respectable amount of smoked salmon, saying, More Hammon, and then a bowlful of fruit and a choc biscuit, then a banana, and outright stole the feta cheese from my plate. Wahed down with plenty of apple juice. I had a rather sub par effort, though I enjoyed a choc and banana pancake very much.
I felt very proud of him.On Friday we also lunched at a hotel, it being the only place open. The two waitresses were astounded at the grown up way Bernard ate his lunch, and nearly fell over backwards as they watched him primly dip his chips one by one into ketchup. "Cham!!" "Dipping!" they exclaimed. Going into the Melia brunch today, I asked if the baby went in free, to which they replied, "Oh yes, he is free. he can only eat a little bread and fruit, very little.". I smiled to myself, thinking, wanna bet? Babies in Vietnam are fed a lot of milk so they don't have much appetite, and they seem mostly to be intolerant of any lumps so can only eat rice porridge up till at least 2 years old. That's why Vietnamese people are currently so impressed with Bernard's eating. it wasn't always so, though - remember how behind he was in eating mushy green purees? This time last year we were in Ba Be and our hostess was convinced our force feeding technoque were sorely lacking.

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